
"That would be fine, thank you." said Mr. Boyle, sitting down on the sofa.

"Are you quite comfortable?" inquired Miss Quinn.

Mr. Boyle looked ner straight in the eye and said quite calmly, "It's what you expected, isn't it?" pulling the skirt of his blue suit down over his knee.

"Why-er, I was just a bit surprised." said Miss Quinn innocently.

"Really?" Mr. Boyle cocked an expressive eyebrow, "After all, when you assigned me a room in the nurses dormitory with the other girls, did you really ex- pect me to come and go wearing a neckti??"

When their guest nad gone, Dorothea said to Ruth, "My God! That was the coldest customer I have ever seen. He didn't even blink an eye when you came in."

Ruth simply said, "I told you not to get involved with that. There's going to be trouble. He knows what you're trying to do-- and he's giving you all the rope you need. Remember that whenever you feel something tight around your neck."

Miss Quinn however couldn't leave it alone. Im- pressed not only with the deportment of her favorite student, she was mystified by his equally faultless appearance. One day as they casually met in the hall. she casually looked at the neckline of his uniform and said, "Mister Boyle, I've been meaning to ask you--" She only called him "Mr." when there was no- one else around-.

"Yes?" he said, smiling slightly.

"--I've been wondering how you achieve that mar- velous bust effect."

He didn't turn a hair, didn't even blush as he